The Web Interaction Model and Web-based business applications
Explain how Web-based business applications are supported by the Web Interaction Model.
Web Interaction Model and Web-based Business Applications
In this lesson, you will take the conceptual knowledge you have learned in the form of a model and apply it to a specific example.
At the end of this lesson, you will look at ewebprogrammer's stock quote application and explain how elements from each layer of the Web Interaction Model support it.
Web functionality for businesses
Web technologies can be combined to form business applications that work across an organization.
The Slide Show below shows how the stock quote application on an Internet site combines elements from each of the five layers in the Web Interaction Model to provide current stock quotes to customers:
1) The text field in the interface prompts the user to type the stock symbol that will return the quote. A hypertext link to a quote retrieval script is activated.
2) A Java Applet creates the stock quote chart and SQL server stores and provides the quote history (DBMS)
3) The Networks and the Internet and the Hardware layers work to process the request. A TCP/IP based network transmits the request. Servers communicate to access and return stored information, connected by local and wide area networks.
Web Network Data Science
4) The Internet delivers response to the stock query travels back to the client over the internet.
5) Back on user's machine, just moments later, the data received via the Internet is interpreted by Software, displayed according to the meaningful format of Information Architecture within a graph that serves as a Sign of factual and reliable information.
The text field in the interface prompts the user to type the stock symbol that will return the quote.
A Java Applet creates the stock quote chart and SQL server stores and provides the quote history (DBMS)
The Networks and the Internet and the Hardware layers work to process the request.
The Internet delivers: response to the stock query travels back to the client over the internet.
Back on user's machine, just moments later, the data received via the Internet is interpreted by Software
Web Based Business Applications
Applications for Web based project management, time, expense, purchasing, support services, and reporting for Web based business applications,
offer organizations solutions for project management, help desk services, asset management, time and expense reporting, purchasing, personnel management, invoicing, CRM and reporting. These applications are served at rapid speed over the Internet or WAN through a web browser.
In the next lesson, we will review what you have learned in this module.