Website Deployment
Website Design
Website Models
Web Development
Web Technologies
Search Engines
Sign Metaphor
Planning Website
Site Planning
Web Interaction Model
Web Development Process
Web Team Members
Planning Model Conclusion
Sign Metaphor Requirements
Effective Signs Metaphors
Roles Responsibilities Metaphors
Signs Metaphors Process
Evaluating Business Objectives
Siteplanner Implementation
Analyzing Target Audience
Market Research Strategies
Applying Audience Analysis
End Users Design Tool
Signs Metaphors Conclusion
Resources Strategies
HCI Principles
Content Global Audience
Creating Web Images
Font Type for Web
SW Apps Web Creation
Identifying Success Factors
Signs Metaphors IA Successful Site
Approval Process Strategies
Creative Brief Elements
Evaluating Signs Metaphors
Planning IA
Roles Reponsibilities IA
Website Information Architecture
Information Architecture Planning
Organizational Architecture
Types Navigation Labeling
Types of Searching
Known Item Search
Information Architecture Strategies
HCI Guidelines
Managing Risks affect IA
Navigational Brief Requirements Definition
Modeling Information Architecture
Design Planning Conclusion
Planning Software Requirements
Software Development Roles
Third Party Software
Software Assessment
Deployment vs Development SW
SW Selection Decision Process
Software Planning Conclusion
Software Identification
Web Development Language
Front End Back End
Middleware Connects Applications
Software Requirements
Database Functions
Database Models
Database Websites
Data Modeling Techniques
Security Software
Bundled SW Solutions
Solution Types
DB Solutions Conclusion
Strategies for planning signs and Metaphors- Quiz
Each question is worth one point. Select the best answer for each question.
Of the four techniques to gather audience data that you have learned about, which two involve the opportunity for you to observe users interacting with a beta version of the web site?
Please select all the correct answers.
Focus groups
Third-party market research
When creating audience analysis questions, you should use a variety of question types. Choose the one answer below that does not correctly explain why you should use the type of question it lists.
Please select the best answer.
Basic information question. Identifies trends by tracking respondents by age, gender, level of Internet experience, cultural background, and so on.
Structured question. Elicits data that will be of a consistent type among all respondents. Allow for comparison of responses and identification of trends.
Unstructured question. Allows respondents to create their own questions for use on the surveys or market research.
Feeling question. Gives insight into how people's feelings about specific signs and metaphors may influence how they interact with a Web site.
Detail question. Focused questions that allow for unlimited responses. These questions elicit multiple comments that respondents may not have given otherwise.
There are several concepts you have learned about using audience analysis to design signs and metaphors. Select the one answer below that is not correct.
Please select the best answer.
Before audience research can be useful, data must be compiled, analyzed, and summarized to identify the most important factors.
Once you have identified the major demographic groups of your audience, you should create metaphors that are easily interpreted by those groups, as validated by testing.
Do not over-generalize from the data or you may stereotype your user group and alienate any users who do not identify with that group.
You should design alternate sites for the subset of your audience that needs assistive technologies.
Testing with end users occurs in some fashion in each of the six phases of the Web Development Process Model. Select the one phase that does not have the correct description of how users are used for testing in that phase.
Please select the best answer.
Discovery: audience identification, summarize demographic characteristics in RFP/Statement of Need
Definition: audience analysis; identify Web usage patterns
Design: validation of signs and metaphors through tracking and collection of statistics
Development: testing and validation of signs and metaphors
Delivery: metrics: tracking and collection of usage statistics; targeted marketing campaign
Post-Delivery: analysis of metrics, adjustments as needed per audience usage, continuous update of content