Explain the Purpose of FTP and identify FTP Settings for common File Types
Purpose of FTP and identify FTP Settings for common File Types
The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is used to move files from one system to another, typically between an FTP client and an FTP server.
Its great advantage is moving files that are too large to be email attachments. You can upload files from your system to a server or you can download files from a server to your system. Examples of commercially available FTP software
include FTP_Pro, Fetch, and CuteFTP. The FTP process is illustrated below:
FTP File Transfer consisting of get and put operations
FTP benefits
The benefits of using FTP include:
Moving files anonymously
Moving files identified by a user name
Reliable data transfer
Error checking
Avoiding email file size limitations
Providing users on different networks access to files
A disadvantage of using FTP is that the files are transmitted in clear text. This means that the packets can be intercepted and username and password information can be obtained.
File types
You will learn about the file type settings used by FTP in the Slideshow below: