This module walked you through the mechanics of the Internet. This module explained how the internet does what it does.
You learned about the hardware, software, and network administration needed to access the Internet from the client side. You learned about the operational details of TCP/IP. You should now be able to:
- Evaluate the hardware and software needed to access the Internet
- Describe how to configure a desktop computer to access the Internet
- Explain how to optimize a browser for performance
- Explain how to configure a browser for cookies and Active X
- Describe which protocols to use for sending and receiving email
- Define the purpose and types of MIME
In this module, you were introduced to the following terms:
- Client: One of the three required components of an Internet connection consisting of a desktop computer and a program that requests information from the server.
- Server: One of three required components of an Internet connection consisting of a computer on the network that answers client requests with services.
- Network Interface Card (NIC): Also known as a network adapter, NICs are required to connect computers to the network cabling system (using either coaxial cables or RJ-45 connectors). NICs plug into client and server machines and control the exchange of information between the two (known as handshaking).
- Modem: Short for modulator-demodulator. A modem converts digital signals to analog (outgoing traffic) and analog signals to digital (incoming traffic).
- TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol is a protocol suite used to connect computers and networks. It is the de facto protocol used to connect to the Internet.
- Web browser: A client application used to browse, or "interface with," the Internet. Examples of browsers include Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer.
- Email: Electronic mail is a client application for transmitting mail over a network. Email is used as a worldwide communications tool.
- HOSTS files: ASCII text files containing the name and the corresponding IP address of systems that you regularly communicate with.
- Domain Name Server (DNS): Translate domain name to a numeric IP address.
- Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP): The protocol used to automatically assign IP addresses. The server simply issues the IP address as needed.
- ActiveX: ActiveX controls are small programs that are downloaded by a browser and executed on the user's computer.
- SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is the standard protocol for sending email between email servers on the Internet.
- POP3: Post Office Protocol is the standard protocol for downloading or receiving mail from email servers on the Internet.
- Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME): Developed to send non-text data, such as graphics or programs, in Internet email.
In the next module, you will learn about the infrastructure that holds the Internet together.