Lesson 8
Searching Techniques Conclusion
This module discussed a variety of techniques, some involving the search query and some outside of the query, that can limit or expand the scope of a search.
You probably will not use every technique in every search; many searches will not require such a combination.
However, the more you can focus a search on only the information you want, the fewer results you have to look through and the ones you receive are more likely to be the ones you need. Now that you have finished this module, you should be able to:
- Explain how different Search Engines interpret simple search queries
- Use Boolean operators in search queries
- Use advanced searching techniques to narrow or widen the search scope
- List other restrictions you can put on search results
- Find out what searches and queries a search site supports
- Explain how Search Engine results are ranked
Google Search versus Search GPT
Here are tips for modifying keyword phrases based on the platform:
1. Google Search:
Google Search is optimized for crawling and indexing the web, using ranking algorithms to surface the most relevant results. Keyword strategies should reflect how search engines process and match content.
Use Natural Language:
- Google handles natural language queries well, so it's okay to phrase your query as a question (e.g., "What is the best time to plant tomatoes?").
Include Specific Keywords:
- Use precise terms to narrow results (e.g., "iPhone 15 battery life review" instead of just "iPhone review").
Add Operators:
- Use Boolean operators and symbols:
- Quotes (`"keyword"`) for exact matches.
- Minus (`-keyword`) to exclude terms.
- Site-specific (`site:example.com`) to restrict results to a domain.
Use Synonyms and Variants:
- Include related terms (e.g., "cheap flights" and "affordable flights").
Leverage Google Features:
- Use autocomplete suggestions and related searches for refining your query.
Search Contextually:
- For recent events or updates, include keywords like "2024" or "latest."
2. Search GPT:
Search GPT (or similar generative AI models) generates answers based on trained data and context, emphasizing conversational tone and contextual understanding.
Be Contextual and Descriptive:
- Provide background details to refine the response (e.g., "Explain how to prune roses in a tropical climate" instead of "rose pruning tips").
Avoid Single Keywords:
- Use full phrases or questions for specificity (e.g., "How does the Rust borrow checker work in Solana development?" instead of "Rust borrow checker").
Ask Sequential Questions:
- Follow up with clarifying or building questions if needed, as GPT can adapt based on context.
Focus on Conceptual Understanding:
- Use "why" or "how" queries for deeper explanations (e.g., "Why does my CSS grid break on mobile?").
Mention Preferences:
- Include explicit preferences (e.g., "List affordable vacation spots in Europe, excluding France").
Be Iterative:
- If the response is unclear, refine the query (e.g., "Provide a beginner-friendly explanation" or "Rephrase with technical details").
Key Difference
- Google Search relies on keywords and matches them to indexed documents, making operators and specificity crucial.
- Search GPT uses contextual understanding, allowing for a conversational, descriptive approach that emphasizes clarity and details over specific keyword syntax.
This module introduced you to the following new terms:
- Boolean operator
- Concept searching
- Grouping
- Natural language search query
- Phrase searching
- Proximity operator
- Relevancy ranking
- Stop words
- Wildcard
The next module will discuss some additional searching topics, including searching resources on the Web, international search services, and searching Newsgroups.
Search - Results - Quiz