Narratives and Scorecards
Nearly every report contains a short narrative that summarizes the traffic that is included in the report.
The scorecard below the narrative provides a) metric aggregates and b) averages for the traffic.
Each box in the scorecard contains a question mark button.
Clicking it opens a small window that explains how the metric is calculated.
Report Tabs
Most reports provide tabs that show different sets of data. The
Site Usage tab shows metrics such as the 1) number of pages viewed per visit, 2) the average time on site, and 3) the bounce rate.
Goal Conversion tab shows the conversion rates for each of your goals.
If you have enabled ecommerce reporting on your Profile Settings page, you will also see an Ecommerce tab.
This tab shows metrics such as
- Ecommerce revenue,
- number of transactions, and
- average value.
AdWords Campaigns reports have an additional tab called Clicks.
This tab contains AdWords related metrics such as a) clicks, b) cost, c) revenue per click and ROI.
Quick Segmentation
You can segment table data in different ways using the Dimension pulldown menu.
So, for example, if you want to see the traffic in your keywords report broken out by City, you just select City from the pulldown menu.
Keyword Reports
In the Keywords and Search Engines reports, you have the option to analyze a) paid, b) non-paid traffic, or c) all search traffic.
Simply click on the links above the scorecard to make your selection.
Hourly Reporting
Some reports allow you to view results by hour.
On these reports, you can select the view you want by clicking on the clock button in the top right corner next to
Graph By.