In this module you have been introduced to the basic security mechanism needed in e-commerce. This includes encryption and decryption
techniques, means to provide authentication, certification message integrity, and data security.
The techniques and technologies involved with e-commerce security are often arcane and require the expertise of a specialist. Business
personnel responsible for applying e-commerce for their companies, however, should at least have a basic grasp of the methods and techniques
and, in particular, be sensitive to the needs of security when designing e-commerce business processes. In the next module, we will examine the basic technologies used in e-commerce. Now that you have completed this module, you should be able to:
- Identify symmetric, asymmetric, and one-way encryption schemes
- Itemize the benefits provided by security implementations such as hashing, message digests, and digital signatures
- Understand the certificate-related infrastructure
- Identify the need for secure electronic transactions
- Identify encryption schemes such symmetric, asymmetric, and one way
- Describe the methods for authentication and identification
- Explain the use of certificates