ebusiness Architecture
ebusiness Concepts
ebusiness Solutions
ebusiness Technology
ecommerce Fundamentals
ecommerce Implementation
E-commerce Fundamentals
Ecommerce Concepts
Ecommerce Fundamentals
Define ecommerce
ecommerce Business Models
Model Basics
Commerce Technology
Compare ecommerce
ecommerce Risks
ecommerce Issues
Intellectual Property
ecommerce Advantages
Fundamentals Review
ecommerce Business Models
Creating Storefronts
Keeping Customers Satisfied
one To One Marketing
eprocurement Supplier
Filling ecommerce Orders
Payment Processing
b2c Supply Web
b2b Supply Web
ecommerce Company Conclusion
Internet Law
Electronic Publishing
Copyright Law
Trademark Issues
Patent Issues
Privacy Confidentiality
electronic Publishing Challenges
Internet Law Conclusion
Ecommerce Security
Secure Electronic Transactions
ecommerce Security Purpose
Encryption | Decryption
Encrypted Data Attacks
Fending Off Attacks
Authentication Methods
Identify Certification Methods
ecommerce Security Payoff
B2B and B2C Busines Model Basics - Exercise
B2B, B2C, and e-marketplace Websites
Identify the elements of B2B, B2C, and e-marketplace websites in actual examples.
This exercise is worth a total of 5 points. To receive full credit, you will need to identify examples of B2C, B2B, and e-marketplace websites, and identify the defining characteristics for each of your examples. Once you have completed your answer you will submit.
In this exercise, you will need to locate two examples of each e-commerce business model on the Web. Your objective in this exercise is to demonstrate that you can identify the elements of the B2C, B2B, and e-marketplace models in actual examples.
How does each company Web site conduct business online? Consider the following:
What characteristics does each site have that classifies it as B2B, B2C, or e-marketplace?
Can you easily locate products or services? Is the process for ordering simple?
Most B2B and e-marketplace sites have security controls that may prevent you from gaining access to all parts of the site.
You should be able to gain enough information from the public areas of the site to answer the question.
Submitting your Exercise
Once you have entered your responses into each of the three text boxes, click the
button to submit the exercise .
Remember that you must submit all of your responses to this exercise at once.
Identify two examples of B2C sites, and write a sentence or two to explain why the site you chose represents the B2C model.
Identify two examples of B2B sites, and write a sentence or two to explain why the site you chose represents the B2B model.
Identify one example of an e-marketplace site, and write a sentence or two to explain why the site you chose represents the e-marketplace model.