Creating Web Apps  «Prev  Next»

Lesson 10

Web-based Applications Conclusion

This module covered the most important technologies and issues that you should know pertaining to creating Web-based applications. By now, you should be able to:
  1. Describe how programming languages are used
  2. Explain the purpose and limitations of client-side scripts and applets
  3. Describe the characteristics of cookies
  4. Describe options users have regarding cookies
  5. Explain how cookies are created
  6. Explain the functionality provided by server-side scripts
  7. Describe dynamic Web page generation technologies
  8. Describe architectural considerations for developing Web sites and applications
  9. Describe how Web sites and applications should be tested

Cross Cloud Architecture


This module introduced you to the following terms:
  1. Procedural language: Programming language used for writing application program interfaces. Procedural languages, such as C, VB, and FORTRAN support logic, math, and animation.
  2. Object-oriented language: Programming language, such as C++ and Java, used to support complex or distributed applications and reusable objects.
  3. Data manipulation language (DML): Programming language used to construct the physical data components of a database and to perform queries and updates.
  4. Scripting language: A high-level programming language that controls screen functions and prototyping. Scripting languages include JavaScript and Perl.
  5. Markup language: A set of tags or special characters that containerize text and graphics and describe how text is to be displayed on a Web page. Examples include SGML, HTML, DHTML, and XML.
  6. Client-side script: A program written in a scripting language used to perform various functions at the client workstation.
    Client-side scripts are embedded in HTML pages.
  7. Cookie: Identity tags stored on a user\'s computer that tracks a user\'s online behavior pattern.
  8. Server-side script: Programs used to extend the functionality of a Web server. For example, CGI scripts can be used to add interactivity to Web pages.
  9. CGI: Common Gateway Interface (CGI) is a specification for writing programs that enables transactions between a Web server and other programs on a server.
  10. ASPs: Active Server Pages (ASPs) are Microsoft's version of dynamic Web page generation. VBScript is the default scripting language used in ASP.
    Active Server Pages
  11. JavaServer Pages: Oracle's implementation for creating Web pages that display dynamic content.
  12. Java Servlet: A small application that runs on an Internet server. They are typically Java- and Perl-based alternatives to CGI scripts.
  13. PHP: Personal Home Page (PHP) is a specialized scripting language used to extract data from a database and present it on a Web page.
In the next module, you will learn about creating database applications for the Web.

Dynamic WebPage Analysis - Exercise

Click the Exercise link below to investigate a Web site for its application components and consider its testing requirements.
Dynamic Web Page Analysis - Exercise

Web Based Applications - Quiz

Click the Quiz link below to test what you know about creating Web-based applications.
Web Based Applications - Quiz