Web Development Glossary
Web development is a broad term for the work involved in developing a web site for the Internet (World Wide Web) or an intranet (a private network). This can include web design, web content development, client liaison, client-side/server-side scripting, web server and network security configuration, and e-commerce development. However, among web professionals, "web development" usually refers to the main non-design aspects of building web sites: writing markup and coding. Web development can range from developing the simplest static single page of plain text to the most complex web-based internet applications, electronic businesses, or social network services.
- ASPs
- Active Server Pages (ASPs) are Microsoft's version of dynamic Web page generation. VBScript is the default scripting language used in ASP.
- Business-to-business (B2B)
- An e-commerce site that sells primarily to other businesses. The goal of a business-to-business (B2B) Internet site is to automate aspects of its supply chain activities.
- Business-to-consumer (B2C)
- An e-commerce site that sells primarily to consumers.
- Common Gateway Interface (CGI) is a specification for writing programs that enables transactions between a Web server and other programs on a server.
- Client-side script
- A program written in a scripting language used to perform various functions at the client workstation. Client-side scripts are embedded in HTML pages.
- Consumer-to-consumer (C2C)
- An e-commerce site wherein consumers are the sellers and the buyers.
- Container tags
- An HTML tag used to specify sections of text and to separate the heading from the body.
- Cookie
- Identity tags stored on a user's computer that tracks a user's online behavior pattern.
- Copyright
- Exclusive legal right that protects any original expression created that is fixed in a tangible form.
- Customer relationship management (CRM)
- As the name implies, managing customer relationships by integrating sales, marketing, customer support, engineering, and quality assurance through software and/or a process.
- Data manipulation language (DML)
- Programming language used to construct the physical data components of a database and to perform queries and
- Database
- A collection of data within defined parameters (a data model) that makes the data elements predictable.
- Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
- EDI enables computers from one company to query and transmit purchase orders and invoices to another company's computers.
- Empty tags
- An HTML tag that does not refer to specific sections of text and does not require closing tags. Examples of empty tags include tags used to create line breaks and horizontal rules.
- Expressed license
- A posted Web site statement that announces how user information will be used.
- Extranet
- A portion of an intranet to which only authorized users may send and receive information or conduct transactions.
- Fair use
- Rule of copyright law that deems these uses of another's work as fair public interests--criticism, reviews, education that advance public interests; scholarship--quoting scholarly or technical works.
- File format
- Web pages are made up of text, graphics, and multimedia elements that are saved in different groups of file formats. Formats are indicated by an extension after the file name, such as sample.txt or document.pdf.
- Firewall
- Security mechanism that protects the secrecy and integrity of an enterprise's data. The proprietary information is kept in an area physically separate from other information accessible through the network.
- Graphic Interchange Format (GIF) is a standard bitmapped graphics file format for online graphics.
- Hierarchical database
- Database based on top-down relationships among data elements. Hierarchical databases are used for core business
applications such as payroll and accounts receivable.
- HTML document
- An unformatted ASCII text file used to build Web pages.
- Inline graphics
- Image files (or picture files) placed within the text of a Web page and identified by their extensions.
- Internet
- Computer network linking computers around the world and comprising four essential parts computers, networks, software, and users.
- Intranet
- A private TCP/IP-based network of computers on an organization's secured local area network (LAN).
- JavaServer Pages
- Sun's implementation for creating Web pages that display dynamic content.
- Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) is a standard bitmapped file format for compressing photographs for the Web.
- Local Area Network (LAN)
- A private network that connects computers in an organization's workgroup, department, or building.
- Markup language
- A set of tags or special characters that containerize text and graphics and describe how text is to be displayed on a Web page. Examples include SGML, HTML, DHTML, and XML.
- Merchant system
- Payment systems that are made up of merchant servers and merchant software for handling Web-based purchases. A component of the merchant system is a merchant account at a financial institution, which is required for credit card transactions.
- META tags
- Empty tags used to record information about an HTML document; for example, information about the author of a Web page.
- Middleware
- Software that functions as a translator to enable one application to communicate with another that either runs on a different latform or comes from a different vendor.
- Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) is a standard for transmitting information between computers and digital devices that simulate musical instruments.
- MP3
- An audio compression technology and a file extension for MPEG, audio layer 3.
- Motion Pictures Experts Group (MPEG) is an international standard multimedia file format for compressing video on any platform.
- Multimedia
- Applications that merge multiple types of media to enhance a user's learning experience.
- Object-oriented language
- Programming language, such as C++ and Java, used to support complex or distributed applications and reusable objects.
- Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is a database access protocol based on the Windows NT platform.
- Personal Home Page (PHP) is a specialized scripting language used to extract data from a database and present it on a Web page.
- Procedural language
- Programming language used for writing application program interfaces. Procedural languages, such as C, VB, and FORTRAN support logic, math, and animation.
- QuickTime
- A video and animation system developed by Apple that supports full-motion video and animation with synchronized sound.
- Relational database
- Database based on the metaphor of a basic table with rows and columns. Data elements stored in these "tables" share a relationship defined by a common element called a key.
- Scripting language
- A high-level programming language that controls screen functions and prototyping. Scripting languages include JavaScript and Perl.
- Server-side script
- Programs used to extend the functionality of a Web server. For example, CGI scripts can be used to add interactivity to Web pages.
- Service mark
- A mark (SM) that identifies and distinguishes the source of a service rather than a product.
- Servlet
- A small application that runs on an Internet server. They are typically Java- and Perl-based alternatives to CGI scripts.
- Structured Query Language (SQL) is a standardized database language that lets you access data in relational database management systems by describing the data you want to see.
- SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
- A security technology for transmitting private documents over the Internet using authentication for servers and browsers.
- Terms of use
- The terms and conditions under which copyrighted or trademarked materials may be used.
- Text editor
- An editor that composes HTML code and outputs ASCII text. It is one of three types of editors used to create HTML files.
- Trademark
- Any distinctive name, short phrase, logo, or graphic design that distinguishes goods made by the owner of the mark.
- Virtual Private Network (VPN)
- An alternative to a WAN that uses special software on client computers to connect across an intranet or the
Internet to special software on a dedicated server.
- Wide Area Network (WAN)
- A private network that connects geographically remote equipment. This is usually through a physical connection using high-speed telephone lines.
- A data compression format. Zip files are compressed with PKZIP and have a .zip extension.