ebusiness Architecture
ebusiness Concepts
ebusiness Solutions
ebusiness Technology
ecommerce Fundamentals
ecommerce Implementation
Web Infrastructure
ebusiness Solutions
ebusiness Elements
Why Build e-business
ebusiness History
ebusiness Future
Key ebusiness Challenges
Standardizing ebusiness Practices
e-business Solution Stack
e-business Conclusion
Infrastructure Technologies
e-business Networking
e-business LANs WANS
VPNs Intranets Extranets
Switches, Bridges, Routers
Internet Multicasting
Networking Conclusion
ebusiness Infrastructure
Hardware Function
Hardware Purchase
Operating Systems
Linux OS
OS Considerations
Systems Management
Service Level Management
Infrastructure Conclusion
Web Infrastructure
Function Web Browsers
Web Browser Considerations
Web Server
Cyber Security
Security Considerations
Search Engines
Ebusiness Infrastructure Conclusion
Integration Tools
Middleware Function
Data Integration
SQL Gateways
Distributed Objects
ORB Function Corba
Transaction Processors
Enterprise App Integration
Workflow Services
Middleware Conclusion
Workflow Services - Exercise
Workflow Services
Objective: Match the term with its correct definition. Match items in the left column with the items in the right column.
Check your understanding of the material covered in the preceding lesson. When you are finished, click the
button to receive credit for having completed it.
In the left column below are 4 terms with their corresponding definitions in the right column. The term in the left column needs to be matched with the term in the right column. When you have all of the terms and their definitions matched, click the
button and you will see whether or not you have matched the terms correctly.
Workflow or process definition tools
Client applications
Monitoring/administration tools
Tools that allow business analysts to define business processes and break them down into their components
Programs that read the workflow definition you created and actually execute and track them
Software that allows workflow members to interact with the workflow, but need not be part of the workflow software
Tools that enable you to administer and track the status of different workflows