ebusiness Architecture
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ebusiness Architecture
Architecture Defined
ebusiness Architecture Roles
Stakeholder Objectives
ebusiness Primary Models
Open-Closed Standards
ebusiness Models
Adopting ebusiness(Reasons)
Selecting ebusiness B2B
B2B Vertical Hub
Selecting ebusiness B2C
Affiliate model
Web Community Model
B2B Brokerage Model
Virtual Mall Model
Reverse Broker (Auction)
B2B Advertising Models
ebusiness Models
Preparing ebusiness
Organization Structure Alignment
Inhouse Outsourced Solutions
Training Staff
Future Proof
Top-Down Strategy for Business
Impact Change Global Level
Existing Business Services
Effects on Existing Business
Operational Implications
HR Implications
ebusiness Marketing
Financial Significance
Manufacturing ebusiness Link
Existing Services Conclusion
Intro Technological Building Blocks
Foundation Technologies
Repository Information
Build Server
ecommerce Planning
Web Agent
Push Pull Technology
Intranets Extranets VPN
Web Site Design
Tech Building Blocks Conclusion
VPNs, Intranets, Extranets - Exercise
VPNs, Intranets, Extranets, and XML
Describe the characteristics of Intranets, Extranets, and VPNs
This exercise is not scored. It is an opportunity for you to check your understanding of the material covered in the preceding lesson which discussed Intranets, Extranets, and VPNs. When you have completed the exercise, click the
button to receive credit for having completed it.
In the left column below are six terms; corresponding examples of these terms are listed in the right column. Match the term on the left column with the most appropriate example in the right column to make a match.
When you think you have all of the terms and their examples matched correctly, click the
button and you will see the correct solution on the results page.
Paste your solution into the textbox and click the
VPN (Virtual Private Network)
LAN (Local Area Network)
XML (Extensible Markup Language)
A company uses the Internet as a backbone with the
PPTP protocol
to connect two branch offices in different countries.
A company in a multi-story building has a network that connects the computers on all the floors together.
A company has a system for making company documents available to the staff who need them, using the HTTP and FTP protocols.
A company has a wireless link between its various branch offices using satellite technology.
A company has a private network to link themselves with various suppliers. The network makes use of HTML documents over a TCP/IP-based network.
A company uses a standard to create Web pages using structured data that is compatible with various platforms. The standard is similar to HTML but has customized tags.
The Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol is an obsolete method for implementing virtual private networks.