ebusiness Architecture
ebusiness Concepts
ebusiness Solutions
ebusiness Technology
ecommerce Fundamentals
ecommerce Implementation
Building Blocks
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ebusiness Architecture
Architecture Defined
ebusiness Architecture Roles
Stakeholder Objectives
ebusiness Primary Models
Open-Closed Standards
ebusiness Models
Adopting ebusiness(Reasons)
Selecting ebusiness B2B
B2B Vertical Hub
Selecting ebusiness B2C
Affiliate model
Web Community Model
B2B Brokerage Model
Virtual Mall Model
Reverse Broker (Auction)
B2B Advertising Models
ebusiness Models
Preparing ebusiness
Organization Structure Alignment
Inhouse Outsourced Solutions
Training Staff
Future Proof
Top-Down Strategy for Business
Impact Change Global Level
Existing Business Services
Effects on Existing Business
Operational Implications
HR Implications
ebusiness Marketing
Financial Significance
Manufacturing ebusiness Link
Existing Services Conclusion
Intro Technological Building Blocks
Foundation Technologies
Repository Information
Build Server
ecommerce Planning
Web Agent
Push Pull Technology
Intranets Extranets VPN
Web Site Design
Tech Building Blocks Conclusion
Client-end Considerations - Exercise
List the considerations for the client-end of e-business
Identify the considerations for the client-end of e-business.
This exercise is not scored. It is an opportunity for you to check your understanding of the material covered in the preceding lesson. When you have completed the exercise, click the
button to receive credit for having completed it.
In the left column below are six considerations that may need to be addressed; corresponding examples of sites for which these considerations may be a problem are listed in the right column. Click once on a consideration in the left column, then click once on the best example of a site which may be compromised by that consideration in the right column to make a match.
When you think you have all of the considerations and examples matched correctly, click the
button and you will see whether or not you have matched the terms correctly. When you have completed this matching exercise, click the
A 3D viewer plug-in for browsers that is not available for Netscape Navigator 4.0
PC and Mac monitor gamma settings cause colors to show differently
Countries that prevent access to some sites based on content
A large number of users have only 28.8K modems to connect to the Web
Older browser versions do not support layers on a page
Televisions and mobile phones cannot display high-resolution graphics clearly
A site uses a proprietary technology to represent its products in 3D
A site that sells paint and allows the buyer to select the color from a color chart
A site that sells controversial political material
A site that has a large number of large graphics to decorate the pages
A site makes use of the latest browser techniques and uses layers on the pages
A site that sells intricate models with very fine detail
A site that sells high-speed modems for quick Internet access
A site that uses frames to divide the browser into segments and enable the navigation menu to remain visible